








  1. YouTubeで「プロモーションを含みます」と表示される動画について、表示される背景について「知っていた」のは全体の約7割で、26%は「知らなかった」と回答
  2. YouTubeで「プロモーションを含みます」と表示される動画について、表示されることによって購買意欲は約4割(39.2%)が「下がる」「少し下がる」と回答、一方で全体の約6割近く(58%)が「変わらない」とも回答
  3. YouTubeで「プロモーションを含みます」と表示される動画について、年代別に見ていくと、20代よりも30代〜50代の方が「知らなかった」が多い結果に、表示がある動画に関しては30代、40代に関しては他年代と比較して「下がる」「少し下がる」が多い結果に
"Summary slide displaying survey results regarding the impact of YouTube videos marked as 'Contains promotion' on user understanding and purchase intention. The slide includes:

A title summarizing the survey's topic and target demographic (YouTube users aged 20-70).
Key findings:
Approximately 70% of users were aware of the context behind promotional video labels, while 26% were unaware.
About 39.2% of users indicated that promotional video labels reduce their purchase intent, while 58% reported no change.
Age-wise analysis showed that users in their 30s to 50s were less aware of the promotional labels compared to younger demographics. For purchase intent, users in their 30s and 40s were more likely to report a decline compared to other age groups.
The slide includes the キーマケLab logo at the bottom right."



"Bar chart visualizing the demographic breakdown of survey respondents for a study on YouTube videos marked as 'Contains promotion.' The data includes:

Age distribution:
Respondents in their 20s: 111
30s: 289
40s: 320
50s: 146
60s: 50
70s: 6
Gender distribution:
Male respondents: 426
Female respondents: 489
Respondents who preferred not to answer: 7
Additional details:
Survey content: Understanding and purchase intention related to YouTube videos marked 'Contains promotion.'
Survey period: December 18, 2024, to January 1, 2025.
Sample size: 922 Japanese YouTube users aged 20–70.
Methodology: Online survey conducted via a cloud-based network.
The キーマケLab logo is located at the bottom right of the slide."
This description captures the key information and ensures accessibility.


"Bar chart visualizing survey results on the most frequently used devices and daily usage time for YouTube. Key details include:

Device usage for YouTube:
Smartphone: 444 respondents
PC: 333 respondents
TV: 80 respondents
Tablet: 62 respondents
Other devices: 3 respondents
Daily usage time distribution:
Less than 30 minutes: 123 respondents
30 minutes to 1 hour: 202 respondents
1 to 2 hours: 320 respondents
2 to 3 hours: 152 respondents
3 to 4 hours: 64 respondents
4 to 5 hours: 27 respondents
Over 5 hours: 34 respondents
Additional notes:
Survey content: Understanding and purchase intention related to YouTube videos marked 'Contains promotion.'
Period: December 18, 2024, to January 1, 2025.
Sample size: 922 Japanese YouTube users aged 20–70.
Methodology: Online survey conducted via a cloud-based network.
The キーマケLab logo is located at the bottom right of the slide."

Q1. YouTubeで「プロモーションを含みます」と表示される動画についてお聞きします。この表示は、該当の動画投稿者が金銭や商品などの提供を受け、第三者のブランドや商品を含める形で制作した動画などに表示されるものであることをご存じでしたか?


"Pie chart displaying survey results regarding the understanding of YouTube videos marked as 'Contains promotion.' Key details include:

Responses to the question: 'Were you aware that videos marked as "Contains promotion" involve creators receiving monetary or product support from third-party brands?'
68.2% of respondents answered 'Yes, I knew.'
26% of respondents answered 'No, I didn't know.'
5.7% of respondents stated they 'have never seen such labels.'
Additional notes:
Approximately 7 out of 10 respondents (68.2%) were aware of the promotional context, while about 3 out of 10 (26%) were not.
Survey details:
Content: Understanding and purchase intention related to YouTube videos marked 'Contains promotion.'
Period: December 18, 2024, to January 1, 2025.
Sample size: 922 Japanese YouTube users aged 20–70.
Methodology: Online survey conducted via a cloud-based network.
The キーマケLab logo is located at the bottom right of the slide."



"Bar chart showing survey results on awareness of YouTube videos marked as 'Contains promotion,' categorized by age groups (20s, 30s, 40s, 50s). Key details include:

Responses by age group:
Aware ('Knew'): 93 respondents
Unaware ('Did not know'): 18 respondents
Have not seen such labels: 9 respondents
Aware: 210 respondents
Unaware: 70 respondents
Have not seen such labels: 18 respondents
Aware: 221 respondents
Unaware: 81 respondents
Have not seen such labels: 18 respondents
Aware: 78 respondents
Unaware: 48 respondents
Have not seen such labels: 20 respondents
Notable conclusion: The percentage of respondents in their 30s to 50s who were unaware of promotional labels was higher than in their 20s.
Survey details:
Content: Understanding and purchase intention related to YouTube videos marked 'Contains promotion.'
Period: December 18, 2024, to January 1, 2025.
Sample size: 866 Japanese YouTube users aged 20–50.
Methodology: Online survey conducted via a cloud-based network.
The キーマケLab logo is located at the bottom right of the slide."



"Pie chart illustrating survey results about the impact of YouTube videos marked as 'Contains promotion' on purchase intention. Key details include:

Question: 'When a video marked as "Contains promotion" introduces a specific product or service, how does it compare to unmarked videos in terms of making you feel "want to buy," "want to have," or "want to try"?'
No change: 58%
Slight decrease: 25.2%
Decrease: 14%
Increase: 2.8%
Notable findings:
Approximately 39.2% of respondents indicated their desire decreases ('Decrease' or 'Slight decrease'), while 58% reported no change.
Survey details:
Content: Understanding and purchase intention related to YouTube videos marked 'Contains promotion.'
Period: December 18, 2024, to January 1, 2025.
Sample size: 869 Japanese YouTube users aged 20–70 who had previously encountered promotional labels.
Methodology: Online survey conducted via a cloud-based network.
The キーマケLab logo is located at the bottom right of the slide."



"Bar chart showing survey results on the impact of YouTube videos marked as 'Contains promotion' on purchase intention, categorized by age groups (20s to 50s). Key details include:

Question: 'Compared to unmarked videos, does seeing "Contains promotion" reduce your desire to "buy," "want," or "try" a featured product or service?'
Responses by age group:
Decrease: 17 respondents
Slight decrease: 18 respondents
No change: 69 respondents
Increase: 7 respondents
Decrease: 48 respondents
Slight decrease: 93 respondents
No change: 142 respondents
Increase: 7 respondents
Decrease: 41 respondents
Slight decrease: 80 respondents
No change: 192 respondents
Increase: 6 respondents
Decrease: 23 respondents
Slight decrease: 19 respondents
No change: 101 respondents
Increase: 3 respondents
Notable conclusion: Respondents in their 30s and 40s reported higher rates of 'Decrease' and 'Slight decrease' compared to other age groups.
Survey details:
Content: Understanding and purchase intention related to YouTube videos marked 'Contains promotion.'
Period: December 18, 2024, to January 1, 2025.
Sample size: 819 Japanese YouTube users aged 20–50 who had previously encountered promotional labels.
Methodology: Online survey conducted via a cloud-based network.
The キーマケLab logo is located at the bottom right of the slide."







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