








  1. YouTubeでコンテンツを視聴する際に最も設定していることが多い再生速度としては、「標準」が56.4%を占める一方、「1.25倍速」が26%、「1.5倍速以上」が17.1%
  2. 「YouTubeでコンテンツを視聴する際、少しでも効率的に視聴したいと考えていますか?」という質問に対して、全体の約8割(78%)が「そう思う」「ややそう思う」と回答
  3. YouTubeで「標準」よりも「1.25倍速」「1.5倍速」で主にコンテンツを視聴する方の方が、「少しでも効率的に視聴したいと考えていますか」という質問に対して、「そう思う」「ややそう思う」と回答する傾向に
"Summary slide presenting survey results about video playback speed preferences on YouTube. Key details include:

Survey title and target demographic:
Title: Survey on video playback speed preferences on YouTube.
Respondents: 922 Japanese YouTube users aged 20–70.
Key findings:
Most commonly selected playback speed:
'Normal' speed: 56.4%.
'1.25x speed': 26%.
'1.5x speed or higher': 17.1%.
Regarding the question, 'Do you think watching content efficiently on YouTube is important?':
Approximately 8 out of 10 respondents (78%) answered 'Agree' or 'Somewhat agree.'
Respondents who prefer '1.25x' or '1.5x speed' tend to agree with watching content more efficiently compared to those who select 'Normal' speed.
Additional details:
Survey period: December 18, 2024, to January 1, 2025.
Methodology: Online survey conducted via a cloud-based network.
The キーマケLab logo is located at the bottom right of the slide."



"Bar chart visualizing demographic breakdown (age and gender) of survey respondents for a study on video playback speed preferences on YouTube. Key details include:

Age distribution:
Respondents in their 20s: 111
30s: 289
40s: 320
50s: 146
60s: 50
70s: 6
Gender distribution:
Male respondents: 426
Female respondents: 489
Respondents who preferred not to answer: 7
Survey details:
Content: Survey on video playback speed preferences on YouTube.
Period: December 18, 2024, to January 1, 2025.
Sample size: 922 Japanese YouTube users aged 20–70.
Methodology: Online survey conducted via a cloud-based network.
The キーマケLab logo is located at the bottom right of the slide."


"Bar chart visualizing survey results about the most frequently used devices and daily usage time for YouTube. Key details include:

Device usage for YouTube:
Smartphone: 444 respondents
PC: 333 respondents
TV: 80 respondents
Tablet: 62 respondents
Other devices: 3 respondents
Daily usage time distribution:
Less than 30 minutes: 123 respondents
30 minutes to 1 hour: 202 respondents
1 to 2 hours: 320 respondents
2 to 3 hours: 152 respondents
3 to 4 hours: 64 respondents
4 to 5 hours: 27 respondents
Over 5 hours: 34 respondents
Survey details:
Content: Survey on video playback speed preferences on YouTube.
Period: December 18, 2024, to January 1, 2025.
Sample size: 922 Japanese YouTube users aged 20–70.
Methodology: Online survey conducted via a cloud-based network.
The キーマケLab logo is located at the bottom right of the slide."

Q1. YouTubeでコンテンツを視聴する際に「再生速度」として、最も設定していることが多いものを教えてください 


"Pie chart displaying survey results about the most commonly set playback speeds when watching content on YouTube. Key details include:

Playback speed preferences:
Normal speed: 56.4%
1.25x speed: 26%
1.5x speed: 10.4%
1.75x speed: 2.8%
2x speed: 3.9%
Below normal speed: 0.4%
Notable findings:
The majority of respondents (56.4%) watch content at normal speed.
Approximately 17.1% of respondents watch at 1.5x speed or faster, indicating a significant preference for increased playback speed.
Survey details:
Content: Survey on video playback speed preferences on YouTube.
Period: December 18, 2024, to January 1, 2025.
Sample size: 922 Japanese YouTube users aged 20–70.
Methodology: Online survey conducted via a cloud-based network.
The キーマケLab logo is located at the bottom right of the slide."



"Bar chart visualizing survey results about the most commonly set playback speeds when watching content on YouTube, categorized by age groups (20s to 50s). Key details include:

Playback speed preferences by age group:
Normal speed: 72 respondents
1.25x speed: 16 respondents
1.5x speed: 13 respondents
1.75x speed: 4 respondents
2x speed: 6 respondents
Below normal speed: 2 respondents
Normal speed: 154 respondents
1.25x speed: 93 respondents
1.5x speed: 26 respondents
1.75x speed: 5 respondents
2x speed: 9 respondents
Normal speed: 164 respondents
1.25x speed: 96 respondents
1.5x speed: 38 respondents
1.75x speed: 12 respondents
2x speed: 10 respondents
Normal speed: 87 respondents
1.25x speed: 27 respondents
1.5x speed: 16 respondents
1.75x speed: 11 respondents
2x speed: 3 respondents
Below normal speed: 2 respondents
Notable conclusion:
Respondents in their 30s and 40s are more likely to watch content at 1.25x speed or higher compared to other age groups.
Survey details:
Content: Survey on video playback speed preferences on YouTube.
Period: December 18, 2024, to January 1, 2025.
Sample size: xxx Japanese YouTube users aged 20–50.
Methodology: Online survey conducted via a cloud-based network.
The キーマケLab logo is located at the bottom right of the slide."



"Pie chart displaying survey results about whether respondents want to watch content on YouTube as efficiently as possible. Key details include:

Strongly agree: 32.1%
Somewhat agree: 45.9%
Neutral: 10.1%
Somewhat disagree: 10.1%
Strongly disagree: 1.8%
Notable finding:
Approximately 8 out of 10 respondents (78%) agree ('Strongly agree' or 'Somewhat agree') that they want to watch content efficiently.
Survey details:
Content: Survey on video playback speed preferences and efficiency when watching YouTube.
Period: December 18, 2024, to January 1, 2025.
Sample size: 922 Japanese YouTube users aged 20–70.
Methodology: Online survey conducted via a cloud-based network.
The キーマケLab logo is located at the bottom right of the slide."



"Bar chart displaying survey results about respondents' agreement on efficiently watching content on YouTube, categorized by playback speed settings (Normal, 1.25x, and 1.5x speed). Key details include:

Responses for each playback speed:
Normal speed:
Strongly agree: 142 respondents
Somewhat agree: 210 respondents
Neutral: 72 respondents
Somewhat disagree: 82 respondents
Strongly disagree: 14 respondents
1.25x speed:
Strongly agree: 62 respondents
Somewhat agree: 154 respondents
Neutral: 14 respondents
Somewhat disagree: 9 respondents
1.5x speed:
Strongly agree: 45 respondents
Somewhat agree: 43 respondents
Neutral: 5 respondents
Somewhat disagree: 2 respondents
Strongly disagree: 1 respondent
Notable finding:
Respondents using 1.25x or 1.5x playback speeds are more likely to agree ('Strongly agree' or 'Somewhat agree') with the idea of efficiently watching content compared to those using Normal speed.
Survey details:
Content: Survey on video playback speed preferences and efficiency when watching YouTube.
Period: December 18, 2024, to January 1, 2025.
Sample size: 856 Japanese YouTube users aged 20–70 who commonly use Normal, 1.25x, or 1.5x speeds.
Methodology: Online survey conducted via a cloud-based network.
The キーマケLab logo is located at the bottom right of the slide."



"Pie chart displaying survey results about whether respondents feel stressed when using playback speeds other than 'Normal' on YouTube, as advertisements default to normal speed. Key details include:

Feel very stressed: 35.9%
Feel somewhat stressed: 43.5%
Neutral: 14.3%
Do not feel stressed: 6.3%
Notable finding:
Approximately 8 out of 10 respondents (79.4%) feel stressed ('Very stressed' or 'Somewhat stressed') when advertisements play at normal speed, interrupting their preferred playback speed.
Survey details:
Content: Survey on playback speed preferences and stress caused by advertisement speed defaults on YouTube.
Period: December 18, 2024, to January 1, 2025.
Sample size: 398 Japanese YouTube users aged 20–70 who mainly use playback speeds other than 'Normal.'
Methodology: Online survey conducted via a cloud-based network.
The キーマケLab logo is located at the bottom right of the slide."







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