








  1. 全体の約6割(57.1%)がアドブロックツールの存在を「知っている」と回答
  2. アドブロックツールの存在認知率(年代別)について、20代が52.3%、30代が64.9%、40代が57.3%、50代が51.2%
    • 特に30代がアドブロックツールの存在を知っている傾向にあることが明らかに
  3. アドブロックツールの存在を認知している約6割(855人)のうち、実際にアドブロックツールを利用したことがあるのは約6割(514人)
    • サンプル全体で見た際には、34.3%(514人)が利用経験があるという結果に
"Summary slide displaying survey results on the awareness and usage of ad-blocking tools. Key points include:

Approximately 57.1% of respondents are aware of ad-blocking tools.
Awareness by age group: 52.3% in their 20s, 64.9% in their 30s, 57.3% in their 40s, and 51.2% in their 50s, with the highest awareness among those in their 30s.
Of the 57.1% aware, 34.3% (514 individuals) have experience using ad-blocking tools. The survey targeted 1,498 men and women aged 20 to 70. Company logo 'KeyMarket Lab' is displayed at the bottom right."



"Bar chart showing the distribution of survey participants by gender and age group. Age groups include 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s, with participant numbers labeled. Gender categories are represented as male, female, and 'prefer not to say,' with respective counts highlighted. Key data points: 193 participants in their 20s, 504 in their 30s, 450 in their 40s, 250 in their 50s, 85 in their 60s, and 16 in their 70s. Gender breakdown: 720 males, 761 females, and 17 participants preferring not to disclose their gender. Survey details are included at the bottom: conducted between December 26, 2024, and January 8, 2025, targeting 1,498 participants aged 20 to 70 through an internet survey. Company logo 'KeyMarket Lab' is displayed at the bottom right."

Q1. あなたはインターネット上の広告をブロックすることができるアプリやツールが、存在していることを知っていますか?


"Pie chart showing responses to the question: 'Do you know that applications or tools to block internet advertisements (ad-blocking tools) exist?' The chart indicates that 57.1% of respondents answered 'Yes' and 42.9% answered 'No.' Additional text highlights that approximately 6 out of 10 respondents are aware of ad-blocking tools. Survey details are listed at the bottom: conducted from December 26, 2024, to January 8, 2025, with 1,498 participants aged 20 to 70 through an internet survey. Company logo 'KeyMarket Lab' is displayed at the bottom right."

Apple は2024年に「App Store で最も多くダウンロードされたアプリ」を発表しており、「トップ有料アプリランキング」として「280blocker – 広告ブロック-コンテンツブロッカー」を1位に認定しています。

Apple、App Storeで2024年に最も多くダウンロードされたアプリとゲームを発表 – Apple (日本)

また「280blocker – 広告ブロック-コンテンツブロッカー」は2023年も「トップ有料iPhoneアプリ ランキング」にて1位でした。

Apple、App Storeで2023年のトップゲームとトップアプリを紹介 – Apple (日本)



"Table showing responses to the awareness of ad-blocking tools by age group. The columns represent 'Aware,' 'Not aware,' the percentage of 'Aware,' and the percentage of 'Not aware,' while the rows represent age groups (20s, 30s, 40s, 50s). Key data: In the 20s group, 101 (52.3%) are aware, and 92 (47.7%) are not; in the 30s group, 327 (64.9%) are aware, and 177 (35.1%) are not; in the 40s group, 258 (57.3%) are aware, and 192 (42.7%) are not; in the 50s group, 128 (51.2%) are aware, and 122 (48.8%) are not. The text highlights that awareness is particularly high among respondents in their 30s. Survey details at the bottom specify a sample size of 1,397 respondents aged 20 to 50, conducted from December 26, 2024, to January 8, 2025, via an internet survey. Company logo 'KeyMarket Lab' is displayed at the bottom right."



"Pie chart showing responses to the question: 'For those who answered "aware" of ad-blocking tools, have you ever used an ad-blocking tool in the past (including currently using one)?' The chart indicates that 60.1% of respondents answered 'Yes' and 39.9% answered 'No.' The text highlights that approximately 6 out of 10 respondents who are aware of ad-blocking tools have used them. Survey details at the bottom specify that the question targeted 855 participants (those who answered 'aware' in the previous question) aged 20 to 70, conducted from December 26, 2024, to January 8, 2025, via an internet survey. Company logo 'KeyMarket Lab' is displayed at the bottom right."



"Pie chart showing the results of a survey asking if participants have used ad-blocking tools. 34.3% answered 'Yes, including currently using,' and 65.7% answered 'No.' Below the chart, survey details are provided: conducted from December 26, 2024, to January 8, 2025, with 1,498 participants aged 20-70, via an online survey. Logo of KeyMarketing Lab is displayed at the bottom right."




"Table showing responses by age group to the question: 'For those who answered "aware" of ad-blocking tools, have you ever used an ad-blocking tool in the past (including currently using one)?' The table includes columns for 'Yes (including currently using),' 'No,' the percentage of 'Yes,' and the percentage of 'No,' with rows representing age groups (20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s). Key data:

20s: 48 (47.5%) answered 'Yes,' 53 (52.5%) answered 'No.'
30s: 226 (69.1%) answered 'Yes,' 101 (30.9%) answered 'No.'
40s: 155 (60.1%) answered 'Yes,' 103 (39.9%) answered 'No.'
50s: 70 (54.7%) answered 'Yes,' 58 (45.3%) answered 'No.'
The text highlights that respondents in their 30s are particularly likely to have used ad-blocking tools. Survey details at the bottom specify a sample size of 814 respondents aged 20 to 50 who were aware of ad-blocking tools, conducted from December 26, 2024, to January 8, 2025, via an internet survey. Company logo 'KeyMarket Lab' is displayed at the bottom right."







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